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Product Reviews

Product: Ant-Bee - Electronic Church Muzik
Date: 2012-09-26 

Electronic Church Muzik

I am very fond of the music of Ant-Bee, but I am the first to admit that sometimes the music I like is a bit rarified for some people's tastes. However, on Amazon, the first reader review has just appeared...

Format:Audio CD
Had my first listen today. The disc started out sounding a lot like their previous efforts, which I dearly love. By the end of the fourth song I was totally hooked. There is a sequence of songs from Flutter-bye through Endless Journey/The Light/Mannah that is as good as any album ever gets. The band plays psych music, and yet the individual songs are just well-written pop. It all works very well together.

Check out Ant-Bee at Gonzo

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